Dumonde Tech Pro X Freehub Oil
Dumonde Tech freehub oil has been specifically designed for use on all pawl type freehubs.
It's a lightweight oil that performs consistently across a wide temperature range making it the perfect choice for your Industry Nine Torch hub pawls.
It doesn't become thicker or stickier over time and is unaffected by cold temperatures so you can be sure your freehub will run smoothly in all conditions.
By using MRCC (Micro Resistant Complex Compounds) Pro X freehub oil is extremely low friction reducing resistance and watts used and is proven to withstand cold temperatures down as low as -40 degrees C.
Dumonde Tech Pro X freehub oil is used and recommended by Industry Nine but is ideal for all brands of pawl style freehubs.
Just follow your manufacturers guidlines for the amount required in your freehub body.
Recommended for Torch pawls/springs and drivering
Proven to provide consistent performamnce in extremely low temperatures
Reduces resistance and watts used
MRCC technology
Lightweight - no thickening or sticking with age or temperature
Perfect for all pawl style freehubs
Perfect for lubing cables too